Md. Suzon
Software Professional | Web Apps Developer

14+ years of industrial experience.
Language & framework: Django + Python + Framework | Java | JavaScript/TypeScript (Bootstrap, React, DOJO) | LESS | CSS
Database: H2 | SQLite | MySQL | PostgreSQL | MSSQL
Cloud: AWS (EC2 | S3 | Elastic Beanstalk | RDS | SNS etc.), Rackspace, Scaleway etc.

FEL Toolbox

FEL Toolbox an web application for Identify Project Definition Gaps And Reduce Risks For Sustaining Capital Projects
Language: React with material-ui (Developed the frontend)

More... Application...
Site Portfolio Tool

Site Portfolio Tool (SPT) an web application for Site-Based Cost Engineering Insights At Your Fingertips
Language: Python2.7, Django, DEF, | React with Ant Design
Database: PostgreSQL

More... Application...
Rolodeckr Web

Rolodeckr an web application for managing Events, Digital Cards based on location.
Language: Python2.7, Django, DEF
Database: PostgreSQL

RaiseBox Web

RaiseBox boosts charitable fundraising around the world by leveraging the power of social media..This project has been shut down. For more information, please contact below
Language: Python2.7, Django, DEF
Database: PostgreSQL

ChallengeStar Web

ChallengeStar boosts charitable fundraising around the world by leveraging the power of social media.. This project has been shut down. For more information, please contact below
Language: Django, django-restframework, Python2.7
Database: PostgreSQL

ChallengeStar - Apps (Android & iOS)

ChallengeStar Apps boosts charitable fundraising around the world by leveraging the power of social media..This project has been shut down. For more information, please contact below
Language: JavaScript (Cordova, NPM, DOJO, LESS)


ShinestERP customize ERP solutions for Shinest Group
Language: Groovy on Grails, Java
Database: MySQL


MonnoERP customize ERP for Monno Group
Language: Groovy on Grails, Java
Database: MySQL

SureCash Web

SureCash Web is a software application to operate by bank employees for Cash-In/Out for Agent, monitor dealer activities, all kind of financial reports etc. are done by this web application.
Language: Groovy on Grails, Java
Database: MySQL

FISBL SureCash More...
School Payment Portal

Pay education fees, no queue. Long gone the days when a customer had to stand in a queue to pay school/college fees.
Language: Groovy on Grails, Java
Database: MySQL

Payment Portal More...

SureAPI private API portal for payment.
Language: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Java (Servlet & JSP)
Database: MySQL


ProSwitch private API portal for payment settlement, fees calculation, bank to bank fees settlement etc.
Language: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Java (Servlet & JSP)
Database: MySQL

Private Projects (07+)


Four (04) private projects with some of the American clients, which I cannot share because of contract agreement.
Language: Django, django-restframework, Python3.6
Database: PostgreSQL

Three (03) projects of Bangladesh Government, which I cannot share because of contract agreement.
Language: Java, Groovy on Grails
Database: MySQL | MS SQL | Oracle 11g

eAgro Portal

eAgro Portal an web app to manage eAgro Suite's Customer's License, financial information, entrepreneur (end user) data backup etc.
Language: Java SE (version #1: Servlet & JSP), Groovy on Grails, Java (version #2)
Database: MySQL

eAgro portal More...
eAgro Suite

eAgro Suite a desktop application is to hold module applications (mrittikā, ankur, protikar & vistar) with manage license, Sync data from server to client and client to server.
Language: Java FX
Database: H2


mrittikā is a soil nutrient analysis and recommendation software. Rural entrepreneurs offer soil testing services to the farmers and use mrittikā to analyse the results to recommend fertilizer to the farmers for achieving cost effective and optimum productivity.
Language: Java SE (version #1) & Java FX version #2)
Database: SQLite, H2


ankur is a seed selection and recommendation application. Rural entrepreneurs use ankur to help farmers with better seed selection to achieve increased productivity. ankur analyses the season and farmer’s land condition and prescribes the best seed.
Language: Java SE (version #1) & Java FX version #2)
Database: SQLite, H2


protikār is a crop software for managing plant diseases, weeds and pest organisms that damage agricultural crops. protikār provides crop protection recommendation from harmful insects and numerous plat diseases that afflict crops. It also provides curative measures to prevent crop losses from herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.
Language: Java FX
Database: H2


vistār is a software application that helps farmers to get direct access to market or buyer information so that they can sell their crops at an optimum price. This application provides considerable business opportunity due to its enormous potential to connect buyer and seller.
Language: Java FX
Database: H2

  1. Senior Software Engineer Bit Mascot (Pvt.) Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (May-2022 to Present)
    • Working in various projects and responsibilities are below.
      • Leading multiple team
      • Working on various language and framework
      • e.g: Django, spring-boot, Grails, vue
  2. Senior Software Engineer D Money Bangladesh Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (Jan-2022 to April-2022)
  3. Team Lead - Software Development Decor Interior Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (Jan-2020 to Dec-2021)
    • Working in various projects and responsibilities are below.
      • Working for Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) automation application, which is using all EPZ in Bangladesh
      • Automation application for BEPZA Enhancement & Support
        • Requirements collect from Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) and enhance existing modules
        • API Integration with National Board of Revenue (NBR), Bangladesh Bank, Vehicle Management System Etc BEPZA ERP Systems etc
        • Software Architectural design for new Module
        • Managing Software development Team and assigning their tasks based on projects vs. customer needs
        • Version Control (Git) core committer (managing git, git branch, rebase, merge etc.)
        • Software development as well as reusable java libraries
        • Continue monitoring Application performance both System & Database end
        • Language used: Groovy on Grails + Java + JavaScript + MS-SQL
  4. Remote DevOps Engineer Stirling Corp, USA (2016 to 2021)
    • Responsibilities:
      • On demand Remote DevOps Engineer
      • Writing Python Script for various task
      • Daily servers activity monitoring and troubleshooting
  5. Software Architect SoftByte IT Solution, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Jan-2018 to Dec-2018)
    • Working in various projects and responsibilities are below.
      • Software Architectural design for various ERP solutions (for group of companies) & customize applications.
      • Managing multiple software development teams and assigning their tasks based on projects vs. customer needs.
      • R&D on various open source library & plugins.
      • Version Control (using GIT) core committer (managing git, git branch, rebase, merge etc.)
      • Software development as well as created reusable java libraries.
      • Contact to Clients to get their requirements.
      • Language used: Groovy on Grails + Java + JavaScript etc.
  6. Software Engineer - backend ChallengeStar™, USA (May-2015 to Dec-2017)
    • Working in various project are below.
    • Contributions:
      • ChallengeStar™
        • Web App
        • Play Store
        • Apps Store
        • Backend Language used: Django + Python + JavaScript etc.
        • Apps Language used: Cross Platform + Cordova + NPM + DOJO + JavaScript etc.
      • Raisebox
        • Web App
        • Language used: Django + Python + JavaScript etc.
      • Rolodeckr
        • Web App
        • Language used: Django + Python + JavaScript etc.
      • NOTE: Challenge Star LLC is shutdown. Please contact Jed Royer (former CEO) for more information
  7. Senior Software Engineer Progoti Systems Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (May-2014 to April-2015)
    • Contributions:
      • SureCash Web
      • Language used: Grails + JAVA + JavaScript etc.

      • SureAPI - Private API portal for payment
      • ProSwitch - Private API portal for payment decision making for multi-bank
      • Language used: Hibernate + Spring + JAVA + JavaScript etc.

      • School Payment Portal (version 1 & 2)
      • Language used: Grails + JAVA + JavaScript etc.

  8. Software Engineer Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (May-2011 to May-2014)
    • Contributions:
      • eAgro portal
      • Language used: Version#1: JAVA EE + Servlet+ JSP + JavaScript & Version#2: Grails + JAVA + JavaScript etc.

      • eAgro Suite - Desktop application container
      • Language used: JAVA FX for version#1

      • ankur - Desktop application module for recommending seed
      • Language used: JAVA SE for version#1 and JAVA FX for version#2

      • mrittikā - Desktop application module for recommending fertilizer
      • Language used: JAVA SE for version#1 and JAVA FX for version#2

      • protikār - Desktop application module for recommending pesticide control
      • Language used: JAVA FX for version#1

      • vistar - Desktop application module for harvesting and marketing
      • Language used: JAVA FX for version#1

  9. Assistant Manager - Information Technology Grameen Health Care Services Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh (April-2008 to April-2011)
    • Contributions:
      • Manage & Implement Hospital Management System (HMS) for GHS hospitals.
      • Requirements analysis as well technical co-ordinating with LAICO team to develop & enhance HSM.
      • Planning, budgeting, purchasing IT equipment for GHS
      • Solve various kind of IT related issues.
      • Worked with LAICO team to develop, enhance & implement hospital management system.
      • Managed IT staffs in Grameen GC Eye Hospital, Bogra, Grameen Eye Hospital, Barisal as well as HQ
      • Direct reporting to Managing Director
Education | Training | Membership

    Having 14+ years of experience with mixed experience on Software development, testing, implementation, networking and system administration. Currently I'm working as Software Architect in a software firm. Also having experience to derive internal and external development team for smoothly delegate projects in on time. In development, I've diverse range of programming language & database technologies especially Java SE/EE/FX, Android, Groovy on Grails, Python on Django with frameworks as well as a various kind of databases, JavaScript + Framework (React, DOJO) for web, desktop & mobile apps. Web servers i.e. nginx, apache, gunicorn, tomcat etc. source code management with svn/git. In addition, comfortable operating systems are OS X, LINUX, and Windows . Also I'm interested to pick up any challenge in technology-oriented field. To providing myself as a problem solver, quick learner and highly energetic person to face any challenges


Professional Training

  • IT & System on hospitality from LAICO Madurai, Tamilnadu, India-2008
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA-1, network basis) from Daffodil International University - 2007
  • Graphics Design (Photoshop & Illustrator) from Ministry of Welfare, Bogra Branch, Bogra - 2003
  • Computer Training Course(fundamentals of computer applications) from BIAM and NTRAMS, Bogra - 2002


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